
MTのアップグレード [Movable Type(31)]

このサイトCarefreeBLOGは、Movable Type2.661英語バージョン(2.661には日本語版はない)+milanoさんの日本語パッチで作成していたが、2005-01-31に提供が開始された、3.15日本語版にアップグレードした。

Movable Typeのアップグレード手順
Movable Typeのバージョンアップに挑戦


Execution of (mt/mt-upgrade30.cgi) is not permitted for the following reason:

Script is not executable. Issue 'chmod 755 filename'

Server Data:

Server Administrator/Contact: admin@xrea.com
Server Name: rff.s35.xrea.com
Server Port: 80
Server Protocol: INCLUDED

Request Data:

User Agent/Browser: Opera/8.00 (Windows NT 5.1; U; ja)
Request Method: GET
Remote Address: ***.***.***.***
Remote Port: 33269
Upgrading your databases:
Running 'alter table mt_blog add blog_require_comment_emails tinyint'
Running 'alter table mt_entry add entry_basename varchar(50)'
Running 'update mt_entry set entry_basename = '''
Running 'create index mt_entry_basename ON mt_entry (entry_basename)'
Running 'create table mt_session (
session_id varchar(80) not null primary key,
session_data text,
session_email varchar(255),
session_name varchar(255),
session_start int not null,
session_kind varchar(2),
index (session_start)
Running 'alter table mt_author add author_type tinyint not null'
Running 'alter table mt_author drop index author_name'
Running 'alter table mt_author add unique (author_name,author_type)'
Running 'update mt_author set author_type = 1 where author_type <> 2'
Running 'alter table mt_author add author_remote_auth_username varchar(50)'
Running 'alter table mt_author add author_remote_auth_token varchar(50)'
Running 'alter table mt_blog add blog_allow_unreg_comments tinyint'
Running 'update mt_blog set blog_allow_unreg_comments = 1'
Running 'alter table mt_blog add blog_allow_reg_comments tinyint'
Running 'update mt_blog set blog_allow_reg_comments = 1'
Running 'alter table mt_blog add blog_manual_approve_commenters tinyint'
Running 'update mt_blog set blog_manual_approve_commenters = 0'
Running 'alter table mt_blog add blog_old_style_archive_links tinyint'
Running 'update mt_blog set blog_old_style_archive_links = 1'
Running 'alter table mt_comment add comment_commenter_id integer'
Running 'alter table mt_comment add comment_visible tinyint'
Running 'update mt_comment set comment_visible = 1'
Running 'alter table mt_blog add blog_moderate_unreg_comments tinyint'
Running 'alter table mt_blog add blog_remote_auth_token varchar(50)'
Creating comment_pending template.

Done upgrading your schema! All went well.
Upgrading your databases:
Running 'alter table mt_blog add blog_ping_technorati tinyint'
Running 'alter table mt_blog add blog_children_modified_on datetime'
Running 'alter table mt_blog add blog_custom_dynamic_templates varchar(25)'
Running 'update mt_blog set blog_custom_dynamic_templates = 'none''
Running 'alter table mt_template add template_created_on datetime not null'
Running 'alter table mt_template add template_modified_on timestamp not null'
Running 'alter table mt_template add template_created_by integer'
Running 'alter table mt_template add template_modified_by integer'
Running 'alter table mt_template add template_build_dynamic tinyint'
Running 'update mt_template set template_build_dynamic = 0 where template_build_dynamic <> 1'
Running 'alter table mt_template modify template_build_dynamic tinyint not null'
Running 'alter table mt_category add category_parent integer'
Running 'update mt_category set category_parent = 0'
Running 'alter table mt_category modify category_parent integer not null'
Running 'alter table mt_entry modify entry_basename varchar(50) not null'
Running 'create table mt_fileinfo (
fileinfo_id integer primary key auto_increment,
fileinfo_blog_id integer not null,
fileinfo_entry_id integer,
fileinfo_url varchar(255),
fileinfo_file_path text,
fileinfo_template_id integer,
fileinfo_templatemap_id integer,
fileinfo_archive_type varchar(255),
fileinfo_category_id integer,
fileinfo_startdate varchar(80),
fileinfo_virtual tinyint,
Creating Dynamic Site Bootstrapper.
Creating Dynamic Pages Error Template.

Done upgrading your schema! All went well.


Posted by nakadaira at 2005年02月02日 22:42

このエントリーのトラックバックURL: http://rff.s35.xrea.com/x/mt-tb.cgi/273


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